Eight different session formats will maximize your learning experience
Practitioner case studies
Presentations by company/corporate practitioners where a specific challenge is described and its solutions are brought forward. Presentations must be based on real-life situations within a company. Confidential information can be disguised to prevent disclosure and ensure anonymity.
Impulse speeches
Interactive impulse speeches will challenge your mindset and invite you to think out-of-the-box. These speeches involve audience participation in an interactive dialog about the topic, by asking questions or assigning tasks (exemplary tasks, group work, role plays …). Impulse speeches may include media (audio, video, flip charts, pin boards ...). They should introduce new and innovative methods, tools, trends or a perspective on CI/MI. Alternatively they might be aimed at providing training for skills that are needed in CI/MI. Topics that are not mainstream CI/MI are also welcome.
Best practice lessons
Applicable lessons by CI practitioners to introduce methods and skills needed by any CI practitioner. The presentation needs to describe these methods and skills using practical examples that are directly applicable. These should be supplemented by checklists, templates and frameworks, assignments, and literature lists that enable the attendants to apply the methods at least to an introductory level after attending the session. These materials will be distributed to participants along with the conference handouts.
Expert Talks
Interactive expert panel discussions. Learn about the different viewpoints of the experts. The audience is invited to join the discussion and ask questions.
Disruptors & Innovators presentation
Best-in-class software and services vendors will showcase how they can take your CI/MI processes to the next level. Today’s tools can automate routine CI/MI tasks with ease and offer real-time analysis at a click of a button – something that was unimaginable a few years ago. CI/MI service providers can offer a fresh view on processes that have for many years been considered unchangeable, whereas they might simply be outdated. The presentations will focus on disruptive and innovative solutions to real world CI/MI problems.
The delegates set the agenda, i.e. anyone attending the conference can propose a topic by sticking his idea to the bulletin board. Six topics are selected in an election and moderated by their promoters at the Unconferencing Group Event.
War Game Challenge
We have prepared a live war game challenge for our participants!
Throughout the conference, you and three fellow participants will form a team to compete against three other teams in a war game. Your mission will be to win a competitive situation. There will be three experienced CI practitioners on hand to provide advice and practical help.
Scientific research track
Presentations about recent and innovative scientific research on Competitive/Market Intelligence. The track is supported by Halmstad University (Sweden) and the “Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business” (JISIB) https://ojs.hh.se/.
Networking Opportunities - Promoting Knowledge Transfer
Wall of Fame
You can indicate your background and interest in a short profile on our wall of fame. To create an opportunity to find and meet people with similar interests and backgrounds.
Meet the Exhibitors
We will set up an exhibitors’ wall with short profiles of their expertise. Meet them and join a discussion.
Evening Networking Events
On June 5 we would like to invite you to a pre-conference reception. Connect with the other attendants, propose unconferencing topics and put your profile on the wall of fame. On June 6 we would like to invite you to a Medievial Banquet on Castle Ronneburg.